We have chosen our 1st balance bike collection out of so many different ones on the market. our research has brought us two different brands, Little Dutch and Top Mark.
Why Choose Our Balance Bike?
Why choose a Balance Bike?
Balancing: The primary purpose of a balance bike is to teach a child to balance while they are sitting and in motion, which is the hardest part of learning to ride a bike! Training wheels prevent a child from even attempting to balance and actually accustom kids to riding on a tilt, which is completely off balance

The Little Dutch 12-inch balance bike is the perfect first bicycle! This balance bike is a safe and durable balance bike for children aged 2 and up. Riding a balance bike is ideal for the development of control and balance. Perfect as a stepping stone to a pedal bike.
The balance bike has tires of 12″. The saddle can be adjusted from 36 – 42 centimetres (it is measured from the floor to the top of the saddle).
Minimum age recommendation | 2+ years |
Product dimensions | 53x15x85 |
Color | Pink |
Collection | Wild Flowers |
Packaging contents | 1 balance bike |
Washing instructions | Only clean the surface with a damp cloth. |
Compliance | EN-71-1-2-3 |

Foldable balance bike, perfect for training child’s coordinated movement skills and learning to maintain balance. The bike is height adjustable, has a quick and easy folding system, has soft suspension and grips, and a comfortable saddle. The balance bike is compact and lightweight. Super easy to take with you everywhere! Thanks to the 110° steering lock, the steering wheel cannot turn, which makes it safer. The extra wide tires that provide more grip and the non-slip grips also contribute to the Manu balance bikes safety. The steering wheel and the saddle can of course also be adjusted to the size of your child. being height adjustable, your child can enjoy it for a long time! The steering wheel is adjustable from 53 to 56 cm, the saddle from 37 to 42 cm.
It is suitable for children from 2 to 5 years old with a maximum weight of 25 kg.

Outdoor play is essential for children and what better way than learning how to ride a bike too. once they can combat the balance bike then introducing a peddle bike is so much easier you will see.
heres a little link to the importance of outside play for children.“LINK”
I personally was 7 years old when I learnt to ride my bike finally without stabilisers, I remember thinking the back of my seat was still being held by my father and stupidly I turned to check and fell off. I had to learn to balance after having stabilisers for a couple of years I believe, I may be exaggerating a little there. There weren’t such things 50 years ago or at least if there was I certainly never had one. My own children didn’t have balance bikes 30 years ago either so when my little Granddaughter Primrose came along as soon as she was old enough she had her own balance bike. Primrose zooms about on hers with confidence and it’s so amazing to see. when she’s a bit bigger she can then move onto a normal bike as she already has her balance so its feet on the pedals and go,go,go.
We Have Decided on these to Brands as the reviews were outstanding on both, the Little Dutch Balance Bike being a more traditional style whilst the Topmark Balance Bike is more modern extremely lightweight and foldable so great to pop in the back of even the smallest car or to carry back from the school run im even wondering if it would go under a pram once folded i’m not sure on this one but it would be a bonus if it did.
We are going to be stocking the other colours of both these brands as and when we can get hold of them. We thought about stocking helmets but we are still getting training on those so would advise for now to go and get your child correctly fitted for their helmet. even though these bikes are not far from the ground it’s always better to be safe than sorry. I’d never forgive myself if Primrose fell from her Balance Bike and hit her head whilst not wearing her helmet. Their are so many cute and fascinating designs to inspire children to wear helmets these days there is just no excuse to not pop one on their head and it really is so important and they are worth their weight in gold in my opinion as a wise Grandma.
Please feel free to Contact either myself (June) or my Daughter Hollie if you have any questions on either of our Balance Bikes. we would be more than happy to help.